How can we help you?

Our Services
AI Services
AI Services

AI-based software solutions, like machine learning models, can help your organization automate the operations of virtually any department.
Data science can add value to any business who can use their data well. From statistics and insights across workflows and hiring new candidates, to helping senior staff make better-informed decisions, data science is valuable to any company in any industry

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Blockchain Services

The power of blockchain enabled world to build the trustworthy solutions and our services provides organizations to secure their network, maintain transparency, keeping immutable records and provenance tracking using features of blockchain

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Custom App Development
Custom App Development

App development or app dev is a broad term. We further categorize them by types, namely Native apps, Responsive Web apps and Hybrid apps. A native mobile app is a smartphone application that is coded in the same programming language as the platform for which the app is designed...

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App Testing Services
App Testing Services

Our testing team makes it a competition with our development team to break their code. We push hard to catch glitches, bugs and faults. We provide a wide range of testing services from manual testing to automated testing. We not only provide functional testing, but also provide performance testing, security testing, compatibility testing, and stability testing...

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Run & Maintain Services
Run & Maintain Services

CompuMatrice is supporting the IT that underpins your business causing a distraction, preventing you from focussing on your core business requirements? If so, allow CompuMatrice to take on this role on your behalf. With bronze, silver, gold and platinum run and maintain packages CompuMatrice can take on responsibility for:

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UI/UX Design
UI/UX Design

UI/UX Design is much more than somebody doing a wireframe and prototype based on what they think is the solution. We start with design research where our researchers interact with your users and get an understanding of their needs...

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Our Clients

Plug & Play Solutions

Cross Industry Plug & Play Solutions

These plug and play solutions can be integrated with your app or solution via an API or other means. These solutions are applicable across industry...

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Healthcare Plug & Play Solutions

We work on web and mobile software development projects. So? What sets us apart is that we not only start from concept and create, but we do not run away from maintaining what we created. We continue to provide ongoing descriptive and predictive analytics for you to gain the edge...

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Restaurants Solutions

Menu Ordering System is a web based ordering system for restaurants and caterers. It is considered a direct or private-labeled online ordering system (vs. indirect online ordering like local takeout and delivery portals)...

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